Fake news from the District Council’s planning portfolio holder suggested the Conservative’s boycotted the Planning Policy Committee meeting in November.
In reality, all opposition parties declined to attend a pointless meeting.
We have been asking for a plan of action on the Local Plan and nothing has surfaced. We are concerned that the Local Plan is not being effectively directed or managed. The Local Plan was developed collaboratively across parties before May 2019.
The Lib Dems dramatically offered to remove the housing proposed for the Radlett site and replace with Railfreight. This was rejected by planning inspectors and the Local Plan was then withdrawn by the Lib Dem leadership.
Following the May 2019 elections, work on the Local Plan has drifted, eight of the 11 scheduled planning meetings between June 2019 and May 2020 were cancelled. The meetings that have taken place were unfocussed, covering relatively trivial items.
Developing a Local Plan is vital to residents. It offers protection to our Green Belt, high streets and Conservation Areas. It offers hope to young people and families desperate to find homes. It will enable us to build green, sustainable communities. Why aren’t the Lib Dems working collaboratively to put residents first?