Community litter picks in Verulamium Park continue into 2018 with Cllr Jessica Chivers. “I host the litter picks because no matter how hard our contractor works to keep our district clean, there will always be more that can be done,” says Jessica.
Jessica brings bags, pickers, gloves and high viz vests. Meet at the top of the causeway by the bridge next to the King Harry Lane entrance. 2018 dates, all on a Saturday, 1030-1130:
14th January, 17th February, 17th March, 28th April (part of SuStAinable St Albans week).
A resident who joined Cllr Jessica Chivers’ monthly litter pick in Verulamium Park in October was delighted to find £15 among cans and bottles. He beamed as he handed it to Jessica, saying “that’s another little help for the play area.”
Jessica is spearheading a project with residents to raise money for a new play area in Verulamium Park. They started the charity ‘Verulamium at Play’ ( in 2016 and continue to welcome volunteers to run events to help reach their target. Please text PARK18 £10 to 70070 to donate. You can swap the £10 for £1, £2 or £5.