In a bid to close the £3M black hole in the city’s finances, St Albans’ Lib Dem-dominated Council is set to raid the pockets of residents by hiking up charges across the district.
The council plans to increase evening parking charges from £1.50 to £2.00, increase Sunday parking charges from £1.50 to £2.50 all day, increase on-street parking fees from £2.00 to £2.50 per hour (including Sundays), and increase visitor parking permits from £1.75 to £2.25.
However, their cash-grab does not stop there. The free council car parks in London Colney and Park Street will now start charging and from July limited waiting bays in St Albans and London Colney will charge for parking as well.
No one is immune from the hikes, as Senior Citizen Parking Permits will now be ‘means tested’, baring potentially thousands of older people from this vital service.
The increases are not just limited to parking, under 5s will now be charged for swimming at Westminster Lodge and additional green bins will cost £105.
Despite this being a financial mess of the Lib Dems’ own making, residents are being left to foot the bill - in a cost of living crisis, this is totally unacceptable.
If the Conservatives were to take back control of the council, we commit to not just freezing parking fees, but reducing them!