St Albans District – highest rate of Covid cases in Hertfordshire currently.
St Albans District currently has the highest rates of COVID in Hertfordshire (37 per 100,000). The number of cases is on the rise, with most cases showing in the 40 – 59 age group and the under 30’s. The Council will be working with local venues to make improvements where necessary and ensure rules are being followed.
There have been issues in previous weeks, resulting in a lack of social distancing outside venues. The Council and Police will be taking action against venues that are not managing risks properly, imposing fines and closing venues if necessary. The Council will continue to work closely with the Hertfordshire Director of Public Health and the Hertfordshire Resilience Forum.
The Council’s Environment Health Officers are looking to have a more visible presence and enforcement in the city by making further spot checks and talking to both traders and members of the public about safety.
NHS Test and Trace
NHS Test and Trace services are under severe pressure, and the government has provided some additional information to clarify under what circumstances members of the public should get tested:
'There is now very high demand for coronavirus tests and it is vital we test people with symptoms to help stop the spread of the virus.
• If you have coronavirus symptoms, you must get a test.
• If you don’t have symptoms, don’t get a test.
A recent survey at testing sites found a quarter of people turning up did not have symptoms. If you don’t have coronavirus symptoms, and have not been advised to take a test by a doctor or a public health professional or by your local council, you should not be booking a test.
If you have any coronavirus symptoms you must isolate immediately for 10 days (don’t wait for a test or a test result before doing so)
If you are identified as a contact of a positive case you must isolate for the full 14 days (even if for some reason you got a negative test during that period).'